This week's shopping came in at £20.14 if you shop between Aldi and Tesco

We all need to look after each other this Winter and it's important we all save on energy wherever possible! This week's meal plan is has been made with all that in mind and will help you save energy by using air fryers and slow cookers.

Don't worry if you haven't got one or either of those appliances - alternative cooking methods are provided in your exclusive recipe cards.



Energy bills are on the rise and we've got to be careful with what we spend and how we cook our meals!

I've put together this graphic to show the huge savings that can be made by cooking with an air fryer or a slow cooker.

Find Out How I Feed a Family of Four on a Budget

Times are tough at the moment and every penny counts. Find out how you can feed a family of four for around £20 a week. Sign up below to receive my FREE weekly meal plans and shopping list. You can also opt into my marketing emails, where you'll receive all the top deals and discounts straight to your inbox.

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