Meal Plan - Week One

In todays cost of living crisis its more important than ever that people learn to budget for their food shopping and learn how to cooking beautiful, nutritious meals for their families without breaking the bank.

We have decided to go back to basics and use our mailing lists to share weekly meal plans for our FYF community . The first 4 weeks will be based around a monthly plan re using some items and then after that we will branch out into vegan, vegetarian and healthy weeks to be as inclusive as possible.

Follow the plans or just try out some recipes! Whatever works for you but please remember to share as you never know who might need this the most. 💕

I will also post a daily "how to" video for each recipes across all social so make sure you follow us.

xx Lorna xx

Full printable version here!

Find Out How I Feed a Family of Four on a Budget

Times are tough at the moment and every penny counts. Find out how you can feed a family of four for around £20 a week. Sign up below to receive my FREE weekly meal plans and shopping list. You can also opt into my marketing emails, where you'll receive all the top deals and discounts straight to your inbox.

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