Meal Plan - Week One - Then & Now

It feels like a lifetime ago since I put together my first meal plan for you wonderful lot. So I thought it would be interesting to look back at the first plan and compare it with today's prices.

The comparison shows us just what we're up against, and the prices did rise quite a bit.

When I first designed the meal plan, it was just £23.96 if you shop between Aldi & Tesco. Now, 8 weeks on, it's already £26.54! If you shop only at Aldi, you'll be paying £1.98 more now, and if you shop only at Tesco it's a whole of £3.70 on top!

Thankfully I've managed to keep the prices fairly close with our revised shopping list so you can still enjoy all the tasty meal plans from week 1 on a budget!

xx Lorna xx


It feels like a lifetime ago since I put together my first meal plan for you wonderful lot. So I thought it would be interesting to look back at the first plan and compare it with today's prices.

The comparison shows us just what we're up against, and the prices did rise quite a bit.

When I first designed the meal plan, it was just £23.96 if you shop between Aldi & Tesco. Now, 8 weeks on, it's already £26.54! If you shop only at Aldi, you'll be paying £1.98 more now, and if you shop only at Tesco it's a whole of £3.70 on top!

Thankfully I've managed to keep the prices fairly close with our revised shopping list so you can still enjoy all the tasty meal plans from week 1 on a budget!

xx Lorna xx

Find Out How I Feed a Family of Four on a Budget

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